Frequently Asked Questions

LAST UPDATED: August 1, 2023


Q: Is COVID Legal USA a law firm?

A: NO. COVID Legal USA is an AI database and chatbot created by paralegals, legal writers, researchers, retired attorneys and data technicians who believe in bodily autonomy and freedom from tyranny. We cannot represent you in any legal matters. We do not form attorney-client relationships. Our state-of-the-art system allows you to prepare your own legal documents, learn your local laws and procedures, and represent yourself in these matters fast and efficiently.

Q: How exactly does COVID Legal USA work then?

A: We’ve compiled massive troves of legal documents, court decisions, rules of civil procedure, rules of evidence, etc. and feed them into a highly-intelligent, interactive database that continually updates its algorithms based on her court decision, procedural rules changes at the state and federal levels, etc. As of August 2023, there are over 7 million pages of electronic documents that our algorithms read and match based on your queries and follow-ups.

Q: I don’t know anything about law. How can I represent myself to avoid mandatory vaccines?

A: We’ve fed thousands of state and federal court decisions related to mandatory vaccines, Emergency Use Authorizations, etc. We also loaded every state’s rules of procedure, local rules, federal rules, etc. in our databases. Our AI assistants (“chatbot”) can help you with legal jargon, definitions, provide templates, etc. so you understand what to search and how to search it in building your case. Our algorithms are very intuitive, and we’ve organized the databases so anyone who can read at an eighth-grade level should be fine utilizing it. Out chatbots speak conversationally, not like a lawyer.

Q: Can COVID Legal USA help anyone in any state?

A: We’re building our databases in real-time. As of March 2021, we have enough data to serve about 15 states (update: as of August 2023, we have all states in our databases).

Q: Can I use the COVID Legal USA platform for cases that have nothing to do with COVID mandates?

A: Yes. But right now, we’re focusing on COVID mandates. You can get general information on your state or federal rules of procedure and document preparation/templates for most types of cases (as of August 2023).

Q: How much do your services cost?

A: Depends. Some people are afraid to use the database or think they cannot use it themselves. We do questionnaires and interviews that allow us to feed your information into the platform and provide you a starting point. A simple document (e.g. an affidavit that you must get notarized) or research done by us can be as little as $99. Access to the full system varies depending on how far along we are building the database for your respective state. We limit time of access and the number of people with access to the system at all times to ensure efficiency.

Q: So let’s say my employer makes me wear masks at work. What can I do?

A: You’ll enter your city, state, occupation, text of the mandate you’re fighting and some other information. Our system provides you documents prepared by other attorneys for related cases. Court documents are public record. Some states allow free copies and access. Others charge fees. We’ve put them all in one place. If you need to see what a Notice of Claim looks like in your state, you’ll enter that information and our system matches your query with our data. You may, for instance, get five claim notices filed as exhibits by five different attorneys in five different cases. The point is for you to LEARN what is happening so you can do it yourself.

Q: But I cannot understand all that legal jargon. I cannot do this.

A: COVID Legal USA has a neat function called “COVID translate.” It works very similar to Google translate. Essentially we take those complex documents and turn them into easily-readable literature with a click of a button. We’re constantly updating this feature.

Q: Who owns COVID Legal USA?

A: Brian A. Wilkins is the founder of COVID Legal USA. He’s a journalist and paralegal who has worked in and around law firms for two decades.

Max Banks (paralegal), Nicole Lee (paralegal), and Piyush Trithpati (database architect) are the main team members. We have volunteers that help with tasks all over the world.

Q: Can COVID Legal USA help with legal research in other countries?

A: Not yet. We’re currently loading information for Canada. But it took three years to build it out for all 50 U.S. states. But we’ve learned from our mistakes/trial-and-error, and should serve more countries by 2024.

Q: How can I help you guys grow and stay online?

A: We are under constant attack from media censors, hackers, bitter lawyers who hate our business model, etc. We need donations all the time. There are many costs, especially in keeping The COVID Blog online and maintaining our servers. We need donations to stay up and running.

Checks and money orders can be mailed and payable to:

Veracity Objectives
2800 University Avenue #420-296
West Des Moines, IA 50266

CashApp: $thecovidblog

Zelle email: [email protected]


**The use of our services and information on this website is acknowledgement that you understand and agree that COVID Legal USA is not a law firm or an attorney and is in no way forming an attorney-client relationship with you. You understand that you are representing yourself in a legal matter. COVID Legal USA leverages artificial intelligence by utilizing state-of-the-art databases and algorithms to assist pro se litigants with document preparation, navigational instructions through the complex U.S. legal system, and legal research.**